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Dear colleagues,
Please see the attached poster for the second annual Kew Science symposium to coincide with the launch of the 2017 State of the World’s Plants.
I would greatly appreciate it if you could display this in your
department and forward the contents of this e-mail to any colleagues and
networks that might be interested.
The State of the World’s Plants 2017 symposium
will take place at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew between 25–26 May.
Similar to last year there will be six themed sessions and a panel Q
& A at the end of each session. In each session invited speakers
have been asked to address a series of globally significant questions
based on their own plant science research and policy work. These
questions are as follows:
1) Madagascar: megadiverse and misunderstood – how can we hope to reverse threats to biodiversity?
2) The immediate risk of extinction: climate change won’t matter if everything has already died out…
3) Wildfires: a necessary evil?
4) Invasive plants: born to invade?
5) From field to healed: how do we detect the medicinal plants of the future?
6) Valuing nature: which plant species are most valuable?
There will also be a poster session for which we are inviting abstract submissions.
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