
Congreso de IUFRO "Sustainable restoration of Mediterranean forests"

IUFRO (International Union of Forest Research Organizations) anuncia el congreso que tendrá lugar en Palermo (Sicilia, Italia) entre el 19 y 21 de abril de 2017, con el lema "Sustainable restoration of Mediterranean forests. Analysis and perspectives within the context of bio-based economy development under global changes". La página web estará operativa en breve: http://www.palermocongress2017.com/ 

Os pasamos a continuación la carta de anuncio del congreso, que hemos recibido de los organizadores


Dear All,
we would like to attract your attention to the following International Congress:
Sustainable restoration of Mediterranean forests.
Analysis and perspective within the context of bio-based economy development under global changes
Palermo (Italy) on 19-21 April, 2017.

Here (https://www.palermocongress2017.com/topics.html) the Congress topics and here (https://www.palermocongress2017.com/program.html) the tentative programme.

26 oral presentations will be selected among abstract submitted.
Subject to the approval of the Scientific and Editorial Committee, a selection of abstracts (oral presentation or poster) will have the option of having their full paper published in The International Forest Review without any additional cost but after passing the usual peer-review process.

Early registration will last until December 31, 2016. Here the registration fees (https://www.palermocongress2017.com/fees.html).
Abstract submission will last until January 15, 2017.

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